Mary’s Nest

Mary’s Nest

Mary Bryan Nest photo

Welcome to Mary's Nest!
This space is for you!

Be sure to mark completed the first time you do a lesson or assignment. I will get notice that you completed what you have thus far on your Nest.

If you repeat lessons no need to mark it again. When new lessons are added, you will then mark completed and I will get a new notice that you have completed your lessons on your Nest. This way we keep up with what you are doing!

Be sure to use the comments for your general your Nest here and comment space is available on each lesson as well.

PT Exercises Complement

My Lessons


Soothe Lessons

5 thoughts on “Mary’s Nest”

  1. Mary, I thought Section 1 could be for your PT Exercises Complement. If you have other favorites that you want added, that are not related specifically to these exercises, then we will put those in another section. We will keep building as we see what works for you!

    On your exercise sheet we wrote numbers beside the exercises.

    PT Exercises complements:

    #1 Seated Pelvic Tilt. Best to begin with the pelvic tilt in lying.
    Library Extension: Simple Pelvic Clock
    I will show you more about a seated Pelvic Tilt when I see you.

    #2 Turn it Around

    #3 Extension 1 and 2

    This is good to get you started. Don’t rush. This will be a process. Start with the Simple Pelvic Clock and let me know if you have any questions.

  2. Mary,
    I added the PT Exercises numbered sheets. I will keep the photocopies of your exercises last in this section so that the lessons numbers in this section should correspond with the numbers we wrote on your sheet.
    You are really on your way!

  3. Mary, I added the SHORT called Rocking Chair Bridge to your PT Exercise for #4. This way you have a short as an option to you can do it more often. You were at the live class for sturdy and strong legs on Friday, January 5, 2024 and this will also be a very good lesson for #4. Let’s look to add it later.

    For #5 you will see Torso added. Do this lesson.

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